Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I always get what I want!

I always get what I want. If it is not available now there must be an excellent reason for this!

I always get what I want. If it is not available now there must be an excellent reason for this.

Trust your own timing!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nothing is More Important Than That I Feel Good

nothing is more important than that i feel good!

NOTHING is MORE important than that I feel GOOD

nothing is more important than that I feel good
because NOTHING is more important than that I feel goood!


and this mantra can help you, assist you in changing those beliefs that hold you back

Growing Taller?

Guest [laughing slightly] - Can I make myself taller? Can I attempt something like that?

Abraham – Not from that frivolous curiosity perspective! You have to really want it.

G - But can it happen?

A – Not for you. Because you’re just testing a toy!

G - But it’s a curiosity…

A - That’s what we’re saying.

G - I’m not just toying….

A – That’s the tricky part of this. Anything that you care about, you’ve launched a powerful rocket about, and Source has already become it. And if you don’t do something that contradicts what you’ve become, you will be it, you see. But what happens to people is, they launch rockets like that, from a place of real wanting, and then they read books or they listen to others, or they look at the way it usually is until they convince themselves of the unlikelihood of them achieving what they want.

In other words, if you read the statistics about the success of books, you’d never write a book. Because hardly anybody gets published, and hardly anybody really sells a lot of books, is what they will tell you. And yet we will tell 100% of the books you care about will be published and will become wildly successful. Because nobody else gets to decide about that you see.

And so, when you want something, and you’re not contradicting it, it must be. Yes you can get taller, you can grow limbs back, you can restore your vision, you can recover from illness, you can have every illness known to man, you can be over it tomorrow if you can get turned downstream and get in alignment with your powerful desire. All you have to do to create anything is to want it, and not contradict it with a belief that defies it. That’s all you see.

But that’s a big if, because you didn’t learn to defy it all at once, you learned it incrementally. You learned a little from that one, a little from that one, a little from that one – you practised it, you thought it, it became the way you look at life, if became your world view. So when your world view contradicts your personal desire, you got a problem. Your world view will always win. Because your world view is your expectation, it’s your belief system, it’s the dominant vibration that you are offering.

So as we said earlier, if you want something, and you don’t believe it, you have no choice other than to find a way of believing it. Find a way to help yourself believe that you can have it, you see. And sometimes it’s through effective behaviour, sometimes it’s through effective thought. You’ve got to find a way to stop dis-believing in what you want in order to achieve it.

10/21/06 Asheville NC

Friday, August 26, 2011

Method for Altering Subconscious Beliefs

Interesting method using sounds clips pf yourself during sleep with positive affirmations to cahnge your beliefs.

Law of Attraction and Aging

Every year when my birthday comes around I turn 24. Oh hey, I am 24 years old this year, great! It feel so fabulous being 24, I have my entire life ahead of me. I am physically fit, healthy and strong, my skin is smooth, clear, silky and radiant, my hair is glossy, shiny, long and healthy. Far out htis feels great!

Reverse Your Age Using Simple Yoga Rites

A very old book that uses yoga like techniques to rejuvenate
and some alchemy help and info

the 5 tibetan rites

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Everything in its Perfect Time

Some things you're not letting happen right now because the timing isn't perfect for you. Some you're not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, "Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I'm enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I'm going. Content where I am, and eager for more," that is the perfect vibrational stance.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, KS on Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 # 165…

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bashar - The Art of Channeling Workshop

I put together all the youtube videos in sequence  for the Bashar Art of Channeling workshop. I found these to be immensely helpful. The guided channeling meditations by Bashar are really great!

The first 14 and a half videos feature Darryl Anka (the Bashar medium) speaking about his experience as a medium, how he got into into, what it feels like and all sorts of helpful information.

This is the part where Bashar comes through and begins his guided meditations.

Receiving the Book Of Positive Aspects

On one night of the Abraham Caribbean cruise a beautiful notebook was received that was imprinted on the front with "My Book of Positive Aspects: Life is Supposed to Feel Good!" With this Book of Positive Aspects (known in Abe lingo as a BOPA) was a card that said:

Since the contrast of our lives has caused us to launch so many requests (creating an amazing vibrational escrow) and since the only thing we have to do to receive the full manifestation of those requests is to stop offering resistance, it seems obvious that any excuse we can find to feel good just has to be of enormous value. And there is nothing that we know of that causes us to feel good (and stop resistance faster) than making entries in our "Book of Positive Aspects". It is our experience that you, too, will receive the same spectacular benefit as you make entries in your notebook.

Our Love,

Jerry & Esther

And the next night a beautiful pen was received with the following note:

If you knew that your thoughts were powerful, and you knew that your words were even more powerful, and if you knew that writing something down is more powerful still, and if you knew that when you write it that the Universe would go to work immediately to begin bringing it to you, wouldn't you want to find something RIGHT NOW to write with? Where oh where would one find such a thing?

Our Love,

Jerry & Esther

Get a notebook and write down all the positive aspects of your life, your home, your work, your family ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING positive in your life!!
It is easy appreciate and bless every single aspect of your life.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Easy Meditation Process

  1. Wear comfortable clothing
  2. Sit or lie down
  3. Concentrate on body parts individually becoming relaxed starting with feet all the way up to the head.
  4. Count in your head from 100 down to 0 slowly
  5. Ignore stray thoughts
  6. Count from 30 to 0 again after you have done this a second time sit in the aura of silence that you have created for yourself. At this point your mind should be at peace.

Spirit Science Videos 1 - 7

Today I came across these very cool spirit science vids:

1. Thoughts
Not saying anything new here to people who have been studying Abraham or Seth. The main message is YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY. It is all put together nicely!

2. Chakras
Some good stuff here, although if you follow your own emotions and start to intuitively feel your own vibration then you most definitely can adjust yourself without needing to know too much about chakras.

3. Channeling

4. Male and Female
Ying and yang, Indigo Children and the Super Psychics being born in china. The coming into unity from the standpoint of polarity. Exciting stuff!

5. Keys of Our Past
The ancient Egyptians, The Age of Aquarius, 2012 and more explained.

6. Flower of Life
The pattern of creation, every single thing in the universe comes out of this pattern.

7. Dimensions

Circumstances Don't Matter Only State of Being Matters

I have transcribed this amazing message from BASHAR. It is from the DVD Beyond the Secret Into Abundance.

Play, playing with everything that happens in your reality. Playing, having an attitude of gratitude towards it so that you receive every experience you have in a playful way and thus by receiving it in a playful way you can do that much more with it. Be that more creative with it, allow it to be that much more flexible, malleable, stretchable, changeable, formable. Play, play that energy is what allows physical reality to become like clay.
Play with the clay of physical reality if you approach it from an energy state of being that is at a low vibration that is where the clay hardens, it becomes unchangeable in that state. But as soon as you start to become more playful with what is going on in your life, it softens and becomes clay, like plastic, formable, changeable and gets in step with the 4th law - CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT.

So as you become more playful you become more changeable, and as a result your reality will MIRROR that changeability. It will become easier to transform from one kind of reflection to another. Now very IMPORTANT - this is where the physical mind can get caught up in its own sense of control and that is, that when we talk about the idea of what you put out is what you get back - the physical mind because again at how it looks at physical reality being the only thing that is, will assume that if it doesn't see one to one reflection in the circumstances that surround you with what it is you believe you are giving off, you will believe that something has failed. Again, I remind you that this is where you get caught up in your own paradoxical trap. Even though it is true that what you put out is what you get back and that being in a certain state of being will determine what the circumstances around you are - the first stage of that, the first manifestation of that will be usually (in your world of space and time) usually, the first reflection will look the SAME as it used to. Because this gives you an opportunity to reinforce the state of being by responding to the circumstances that look the same DIFFERENTLY than you did before and THAT is where you then ALLOW the circumstances to truly reflect that you have changed and demonstrate that you truly have changed by responding to the circumstances differently even if they look the same as they used to.

This is how it works: The FIRST reflection will usually be an ECHO of how it used to look. You must not respond to the echo as if that is the representation of your new state. You must respond to it in a sense as if you know it is just an echo and that what you are putting out being the new response to the old circumstances that will solidify the vibration of your preferred state of being and truly allow the circumstances to change themselves and change their cue from the new vibration you are putting out with the absolute certainty that you are different. Because if you respond to the old echo in the way you used to YOU are not different.

So, in a sense it is like you are testing yourself. It is like you are giving yourself an opportunity to decide whether you really do want the circumstances to change by first presenting yourself very often with the same set of circumstances to see if you respond differently to them making the clear commitment that you have in fact vibrationally changed your state of being. Once you have done that and respond differently to the same set of circumstances, then you have established that you truly have changed and then the circumstances can reflect that change.

So, don't be fooled by the echo into thinking that you have done something wrong by labeling it in that same way as you used to "Oh, I didn't see what I wanted to get immediately, it looks the same as it did before, the same people are here giving the same kind of feedback, I must have done something wrong, or something is not working"; or if you find that you are reacting to it the same way as you used to, because if you do you have not changed. So that is the self reinforcing mechanism that lets you decide if you really want to change that circumstance or not.

Because again remember, all belief systems are by self-definition reinforcing. They have to be! If belief systems where not self reinforcing and making themselves seem like the only thing there is to believe in, you wouldn't be able to have an actual distinct, discreet belief system experience. If beliefs did not come with a self reinforcing mechanism, you wouldn't be able to have a discreet physical experience, and because they come with a reinforcing mechanism, when you change your vibrational state, one of the last things to fade will be the self reinforced mechanism. It will present the same scenario once again, but it will be presented NOT as a concrete reality, but only as an illusion, as an echo of what once was to give you a chance to truly decide that you will break through that self reinforcing mechanism by defining and labelling it differently than you used to PROVING that you have changed, thus allowing the reflection to then truly come. That is how that works.


"Circumstances do not determine state of being. State of being determines circumstances"

Or more precisely.



Then choose the state of being you prefer and then redefine the circumstances from that state of being so you can erase the echo and ALLOW the true reflection to then take form from your state of being.

Friday, August 12, 2011

In Basking You Attract

You can feel good about the flower you are looking at, or the ocean that you are looking across, or about the smile upon the face of the child. You can be focused upon something like that and be feeling utter well-being. And in that moment of that basking, you are attracting the dollars that you want, you are attracting the abundance that you want, you are attracting the mate that you want - you are attracting whatever it is that you want. It is about vibrating and allowing, you see?


Think Positive About Money

Whenever you are thinking about dollars and feeling good you are attracting them unto you. Whenever you are thinking about dollars and feeling bad you are pushing dollars away from you. Dollars Tape 1991, from the 10 part series.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Abraham on Self Love

Questioner: Now I'm reaching for a feeling. The feeling of all feelings is self-love. And. It's what I want more than anything in the world. And. What I'm finding when I do your processes, it feels to me like every process has at its heart enhancing self-love. Like ...

Abraham interrupts: Think about what you are saying. You're exactly right but think about it in the broader context. Every process that we offer is with the deliberate intention of helping you to release resistance.

Q: Yes.

A: And when you release resistance, your cork floats and you become a vibrational match to who you really are. And when you are a vibrational match to who you really are, who loves beyond description, then, that is the sensation that you have. And so, you are exactly right. The processes are ALL about closing that gap so that you can perceive through a self that loves.

Q: Yes. And all the processes feel like that to me and I've noticed it in an incremental way, with the cork rising slowly. And when I came on this cruise I wanted to sit in this chair and ask you to hit me with the self-love stick so that I could feel total self-love instantly and not incrementally. Not over time but faster and more. And then I've been here all week and I realized that incremental was OK. Incremental is wonderful. And that's been your message about everything we've talked about.

A: Because. Vibration is vibration. You can't set your radio dial on 630 am and hear what is broadcast on 98.7. There is no such thing as a quantum leap. There is no such thing.

Q: But to press that point. I know that the self-love is who I am. I mean, I know when I croak that I'll feel complete self-love and instantly and you said, "heaven's gate swings both ways." And so, I know some manifestations take time and I know others, like feelings can happen in an instant. I've been flooded with incredible self-love in different circumstances and I'm very good in my world ...

A: Before you go further we want to say to you, very simply, that the only hindrance to self-love - we're just going to lay it out here where you can see it - What has caused an eroding of self-love within so many of you is comparing you and what you want with others and what they want and you and what you've got with others and what they've got. That's what causes an eroding of self-love. What causes an inclusion of self-love, an embracing of self-love, a loving of self is a 'not giving a rip what anybody else thinks' and having your eye only on this two vibrational points of relativity, where you, thought by thought, experience by experience, conversation by conversation, memory by memory, experience by experience, just train yourself into something that feels better and better and better and better and better. In other words, it is, if there was ever an inside job, it's got to be that.

Because, when you are taught love by somebody outside of you, like a mother loving you and you really feeling it, what has happened is, they're tuned in, tapped in turned on. They've already, for whatever reason, focused upon you in a way that they are a vibrational match to their inner being. And so, they are love. They are liquid love and as they hold you in their gaze they flood this all over you and you say, "Ooo, this feels so good. I want this always." But then you need their undivided attention. Then you need them to always be tuned in, tapped in turned on. Then you need them to hold you as their object of attention. And they will let you down EVERY time, the selfish buggers. Because they have other things they want to think about and they cannot hold themselves to that standard. And so, when you finally get it that while it feels good to be loved, nothing feels better in all of the Universe than to love.

Q: Yes.

A: And we want to replace the word love with some other words. We want to say that when you are fascinated by something, you are in that vibration of connection with who you are. That's as close to love as it gets. When you are appreciating yourself or someone else, that's as close to it as it gets. Jerry and Esther can be in a restaurant and there can be some sweet waiter or waitress helping them and Esther will offer, not to them but about them to Jerry, some appreciation about them and ripples of connected energy will just soar through her body as she joins us in our appreciation of that person, you see.

Q: Hmm. 
A: So, as you realize that here you are in this body a perceiver and you've got your telescope out there, so to speak, and you're looking out and you're looking at something and whatever you are perceiving through your telescope is generating an emotional response in vibrational relationship. In other words, you would have no feelings at all if there were not this vibrational relationship between where you are and who you really are. And so, as you look out with the intention of finding love, now you're looking for people who are tuned in, tapped in turned on, which is not that easy to find sometimes, especially at work and get them to love you and, or you're looking for it in a boyfriend or in a lover or some place and now you're powerless because you can't control what they are doing with their vibrational relativity.

And so, you look for it and you don't find it and look for it and don't find it, look for it and don't find it and then you tend to call that self-love. "I'm looking for love and I'm not finding it and because I didn't find it then I trained myself not to love me because I don't love me because that one does not love me and I don't love me because that one doesn't love me and I don't love me because that one doesn't love me." And we say, they're not loving you because they are not tuned in. They don't have the capacity to love you, unless they are in alignment with who they are. And so, don't look for the love through their eyes. Look for the connection through your eyes.

And so, let it be love of this rug, and love of these flowers and love of this environment and love of this wonderful air and love of this ship and love of what I'm having for dinner and love of this hair clip and love of this ring and love of this watch and love of these flexible fingers and love of whatever I can feel appreciation of. And as you just begin to tune yourself, first to the things that are easy to appreciate and then to the things that are obvious to appreciate and then as you begin looking for things to appreciate, you begin to tune yourself into a vibrational alignment with who you really are about things that are easier for you to love. Because friend. We don't want it to be this way. It shouldn't be this way. But for most of you, the hardest focal point on this planet for you to love is that one you see reflected back in the mirror.

Q: Well, that's exactly what ...

A: Go home today, or back to your cabin today and sit before a mirror and sit there and look into the depths of your eyes and look with the intention of seeing your inner being looking back at you and say, "I know you're in there and I have an inkling of how you feel about me because Abraham has been talking about it and I'm just going to look for you until I find you. I'm going to stay here until I find that feeling of awareness of me and appreciation of me that I'm looking for." And from where you are, we can feel that you can get there very quickly. Show me then IB that I am love…(see below)

But, the most important thing that we're saying to you is, this self-love that you think you're looking for is not love of self. It's Love that Is Self. And there's a difference. There is a difference between loving me and being me who loves. And it is being me who loves that is really you. And when you are me who loves it's easy to love that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one. And then it becomes irrelevant what your object of love is if you're loving.

What difference does it make what is the reason, the focal point, for the love that you are feeling? What possible difference does it make? It would be like eating a really wonderful meal and while you are eating it being unhappy that you can't be eating that one and that one and that one and that one. It doesn't matter. Does it matter what you are eating that feels wonderful is and does it matter what your focal point of your love is as long as the love that you're feeling is the love that really is you, you see. That was good. That was really, really good. Audience applauds.

Q: So I'm hearing you say .. One of the things I love to do is, I'm a writer. And I go out in my world and I see an old couple in the park and I feel incredible love just looking at them. Or a dog on the street. Or somebody's shoes. So I can flow love that way. Are you saying, that when I'm flowing love like that randomly to anything and everything, that that is who I am?

A: Yes. That is who you are. That is who you are. And the more you do it deliberately and acknowledge, "That is who I am." then the more you demand of yourself and demand is too strong a word, but the more you set our intention to find that and the more you look for it everywhere you go. And the more you look for it the more you find it and the more you find it the more you look for it. Until soon you just become it. And then you become this stable being who is never off your balance. Who, if someone looks at you and doesn't find appreciation as they're looking you understand, it hasn't got anything to do with you. It never had anything to do with you. Everything that has everything to do with you are in control of, you see.

Q: Well, then I want to probe a little bit. Why it's ..? I already do that, looking out, which I was defining as external, but you corrected me and I understand, that's not external, it's all part of me. Why is it so hard for me and others to look at our own human self and not feel that same ripple of appreciation?

A: Because you're looking for love focused at you rather than love to be focused through you.

Q: But I want to focus it at myself. I know what you mean about third party. I've been down that rabbit hole. But I'm talking about focusing it on myself.

A: But what we're saying to you. And we want you to love you like we love you. But in the mean time, what difference does it make what the object of your attention is when you're feeling love? And the thing that is apparent and we appreciate you saying it and everyone is saying it to some extent also is that, in your awareness of not loving self you can't find self-love. And so we're just trying to build a bridge for you. In other words, any time somebody hurts your feelings, it is because you're in a different vibration than who you really are. And so this quest for self-love, we think is down the rabbit hole. We wouldn't be looking for self-love. We would be looking for the part of self that does love. In other words rather than saying to someone that we love, "I want you to love me." We would begin training ourselves into a desire that says, "I love loving you. I love the feeling of loving you. And how you feel about me is irrelevant. I love the feeling of loving you."

And then what begins to happen. It's like our friend who got so angry at us, "Abraham I don't think you care if my lover ever comes to me." It is exactly right. We just want you to form a vibration that makes you feel so wonderful that it doesn't matter. But then he cannot not come! In other words when you find that vibration the universe has to match you up with somebody that feels exactly that way, you see. But we don't want you to let what is happening in terms of manifestation be the criteria for how you feel.

And that really is what we are wanting to bring this gathering round to discuss, because so many people say, "OK, Abraham, I'll play your silly games. I'll do your processes. I'll do whatever I can to bring myself to the place of offering the vibration that will get me to the manifestation that I want." And we say, "Have you heard nothing from us? It isn't getting you to the manifestation that we are teaching you all of this. It is getting you to the place of feeling so good that the manifestation doesn't matter." And then you worry and say, "Ohoh. So, I'm not maybe going to get the manifestation?" And we say, "That is not what we're saying at all!"

We are saying, the desire for the manifestation is what gives you the reason to want to connect to the energy that is really you that is the true living of life. And that self-love is evident then. You see. But ... and that's why we don't hit you over the head with an I love me stick because that really is not what you are looking for. You are looking for reasons to love. You're looking for reasons to love. And in this environment there is so much abundance of that.

We are appreciating your willingness to discuss this very personal thing and we think that you've pinpointed something that is stuck in the craw of almost everyone. In other words most seminars hammer away at the feeling of worthiness because unworthiness is at the heart of everything that goes wrong for everyone. But these are just buzz-words that have only the potential of stirring you up and making you uncomfortable and we are wanting you to make ...(? change of audio section) So in that light we would like to say to you that we find you loving of yourself quite often and we find you absolutely lovable. We find you recognizing that you're lovable. And we believe with everything that we are that if it were not for your comparison of yourself to others and ... Oh here it is ... This is really what is at the heart of all of this.

So, all of you stand where you do and you launch rockets of different things that you want and you conclude that others are already living what you want and you're not. And you gather that information by comparing the smiles on their faces and the words that they speak and the things they write in their books and the movies they show you. So you use their success as a club that works against you as you compare them getting what they want and pointing out to you that in some instances you're not getting what you want.

Q: That's right.

A: And what we want you to understand is that you cannot accurately compare what anybody is getting because you have no way off accurately accessing their points of vibrational relativity. And what they appear to be showing you and what they are actually living are two very different things. Don't you know people that have all the money in the world and are still dissatisfied. Don't you know people that are living in what you think is your dream house who are dissatisfied with it. Don't you find it amazing that people that ought to be happy under the conditions that you think you' re reaching for aren't? And doesn't it sort of point out to you that you just can't compare anything that anybody else is living with what you are living?

Q: Yeah.

A: So, we don't want you to feel bad about in every moment not being able to announce to the world that you've achieved absolute self-love. We just want it to be your never ending quest. And we will say to you that you've hit upon something that is so essential and so to the core of who you really are and who you were as you came forth into this body, because that self-love is the driving motivating factor. It is the inspiration. It is the thing. It is the ultimate calling. In other words. Here Source is, over here and loving you with everything that it is and of course it is the quest that you're most wanting to answer. And so therefore of course it would be the thing that you would feel most uncomfortable about, about not achieving moment after moment after moment.

But what Source wants to say to you is that the love that you hold for yourself in any moment is enough. In fact it is the perfect love under the conditions in which you are living. It is enough. It is just right. Where you are on your path is just exactly right. It is exactly where you should be on your path.

Can you imagine Jerry and Esther going across the desert. They are on their way from Phoenix to San Diego and they are out there in the middle of the desert. They are not where they want to be. They are in Yuma, for God's sake. There they are in Yuma, no place to eat in Yuma! Can you imagine them getting so unhappy about not having completed their destination that they get all disoriented and end up going back to Phoenix? Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma ... and that's sort of what you 're doing. In your assessment of not enough self-love it's the Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma .. whereas you can acknowledge, "Where I am is just right. And given the circumstances of my life I'm right on track. And I'm reaching for a fuller more encompassing sensation of love. And Source is over there patiently, never for a moment impatient, always loving me. Do you know, here is a good thing to say to yourself, "Even though for whatever reason I don't like myself very much right now. I know that I have not caused Source to deviate in Source's appreciation of me at all."

Q: Sighs

A: "I have not convinced Source not to like me." Sometimes when Esther misbehaves she thinks, "Hmm. Jerry probably does not like me very much right now." And she doesn't really know whether he does or not. And we would say it's irrelevant how he feels. But even if she could misbehave enough to get Jerry to begin to respond in a way that displays to Esther that he is displeased with the way she behaves, Source will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do that. Source maintains its absolute appreciation of you. And as you know that maybe it will help you to give yourself a little bit more of a break. Maybe it will help you to acknowledge, "I'm in the perfect place relative to everything, even relative to self-love."

Q: I feel like you've just said to me that I had it all along and that I have it right now and that feels like great relief. And I'm content with not being hit with the stick. I feel ..

A: Well, we just hit you with it.

Q I do. I feel hit by it. Thank you. Thank you so much! 

Abraham Caribbean Cruise, 2006

Friday, August 5, 2011

Visualizing At Work

Mike Dooley’s book “Infinite Possibilities” the art of living your dreams:

“If you can begin to grasp that your world does indeed revolve around the thoughts you choose, then it becomes a no-brainer to realize that at least sometimes, preferably daily, it would be helpful to deliberately “think” the kind of thoughts you’d like to experience. I recommend starting with visualization, as anyone can set aside five minutes a day to start visualizing and it doesn’t cost a thing.”

It is important to begin your visualization at the end result. Use all of your senses to experience what it would be like after your dream has manifested. Never visualize for more than five minutes because at that point your mind begins to wander. It is better to have five minutes of intense focus than 15 minutes of poor quality visualization. It is important to feel the feelings associated with manifesting the dream because that is what fuels the Universe and makes you magnetic. Once a day is all that is important.

So when I wake up in the morning I do 5 mintues of visualizing. I imagine things that happen that lead up to my dream coming true as well as the end results and I have to say that I am seeing the things happening just the way I have imagined! When something happens that is in line with what I have visualized I thank the Universe, feel excitement and imagine more of the same. I am also keeping a log of the things that happen that are just what I am imaging so I can see just how well I am doing.