Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Five Pranas

Prana in Sanskrit, meaning primary energy. It is sometimes translated as breath or vital force.

Humans consist of five koshas or sheaths:

  1. Annamaya kosha – food – physical – the five elements 
  2. Pranamaya kosha – breath – vital – the five pranas 
  3. Manomaya kosha – impressions – outer mind – the five kinds of sensory impressions 
  4. Vijnanamaya kosha – ideas – intelligence – directed mental activity 
  5. Anandamaya kosha – experiences – deeper mind – memory, subliminal and superconscious mind

Prana, literally the “forward moving air,” moves inward and governs reception of all types from the eating of food, drinking of water, and inhalation of air, to the reception of sensory impressions and mental experiences. It is propulsive in nature, setting things in motion and guiding them. It provides the basic energy that drives us in life. 
Apana, literally the “air that moves away,” moves downward and outward and governs all forms of elimination and reproduction (which also has a downward movement). It governs the elimination of the stool and the urine, the expelling of semen, menstrual fluid and the fetus, and the elimination of carbon dioxide through the breath. On a deeper level it rules the elimination of negative sensory, emotional and mental experiences. It is the basis of our immune function on all levels. 
Udana, literally the “upward moving air,” moves upward and qualitative or transformative movements of the life-energy. It governs growth of the body, the ability to stand, speech, effort, enthusiasm and will. It is our main positive energy in life through which we can develop our different bodies and evolve in consciousness. 
Samana, literally the “balancing air,” moves from the periphery to the center, through a churning and discerning action. It aids in digestion on all levels. It works in the gastrointestinal tract to digest food, in the lungs to digest air or absorb oxygen, and in the mind to homogenize and digest experiences, whether sensory, emotional or mental. 
Vyana, literally the “outward moving air,” moves from the center to the periphery. It governs circulation on all levels. It moves the food, water and oxygen throughout the body, and keeps our emotions and thoughts circulating in the mind, imparting movement and providing strength. In doing so it assists all the other Pranas in their work.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Seven Chakras

Diagram of the seven Chakras.

Each chakra has 7 stages of development within it, in total there are 49 steps in our spiritual development. Major initiations occur when one's predominant center of consciousness, the ego-mind-personality moves from one chakra to the one above, within each chakra are 7 lesser initiations.

Muladhara - Root Chakra

Mula = root, adhara = center
Element = Earth This is the root center, the seat of Kundalini. All forms of energy are contained within Muladhara, but they are not yet developed.

Muladhara represents our consciousness, the place where the self and everything divine is asleep.It's primary field of activity involves earth and materiality. A banal place; family, work, paying bills, everyday life.

In the root chakra we have a stream of developing consciousness that at first is based entirely on perception. Then cognition appears, analytical faculties develop at around age 7 to 8.

The seed sound for the Muladhara chakra is Lam (lahm). You can draw energies that will clear this chakra by chanting Lam silently of out loud.

Mantras to help with basic desires.

Lakshmi mantra to achieve abundance:

Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha
( Om Shreem Mah-hah-Lahk-shmee-yea Nah-mah-hah)

Ganesh mantra to remove obstacles to abundance:

Om Lakshmi Ganapatayei Namaha
(Om  Lahk-shmee Guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yeh Nah-mah-hah)

Lakshmi mantra for accumulation of positive attributes in life:

Om Bhakta Saubhagya Dayinyei Namaha
(Om  Bhahk-tah Sauw-bhahg-yah Dah-yeen-yei Nah-mah-hah.

Mantra for the removal of fear so that the energy of fear can be released back into the universal mind to be used productively.

Shante Prashante Sarva Bhaya Upashamani Swaha
Shahn-teh  Prah-shahn-the Sahr-vah Bhah-yah Oo-pah-shah-mah-nee Swah-hah

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Healing Sounds - Root Chakra

Gorgeous healing music for the root chakra. Root Chakra Trance Meditation video set to the music of sound healer Johnathan Goldman.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Morning Pages Exercise

Julia Cameron's tool to develop Spirituality & Creativity.
Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. *There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages*– they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page…and then do three more pages tomorrow

EFT for Creativity

Great eft tap along for creativity with Brad Yates.

Manifestation Workshops

Excellent manifestation workshops by Evon Stein.